Anti-oppressive psychotherapy practice

“Anti-Oppressive Practice recognizes the oppression that exists in our society/space and aims to mitigate the effects of oppression and eventually equalize the power imbalances that exist between people. It also recognizes that all forms of oppression are interconnected in some way, shape or form.”

Engaging in anti-oppressive public health teaching: Challenges and recommendations (2021)

Anti-oppressive practice seeks to lessen the exclusion of any social groups from social equality, rights and social justice.

As a psychotherapist I aim to mindfully engage with — and where I can, address — the systemic inequalities that operate at individual, group and institutional levels to oppose the production and reproduction of oppression.

Therapeutically, this means spending time engaging thoughtfully and critically with my position within these systems, and considering how this may impact the relationships I form with my clients. It will also inform how — and, in some cases, whether — I interact with institutions and professional bodies. I will use my training, professional supervision and my own therapy to help me maintain this balance.

An anti-oppressive philosophy will always be part of what I bring to the therapy room, but I will only reference it directly in our work if I feel it is appropriate to you as the client.